Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Development of Science

Imuwan who think philosophically, is expected to understand the philosophy of life, explore the basic elements of science are thoroughly practiced so much wiser in understanding the source, nature and purpose of science is practiced, including their use for the community. To achieve that goal, then the process of education should not merely to achieve an end goal but also to learn the things done to achieve the ultimate goal. Thus, in addition to a person knowledgeable scientists also have the wisdom, truth, ethics and aesthetics. Epistemologically it can be said that the existing science today is the result of the accumulation of knowledge that occur with growth, pergan-tian and absorption theory. The emergence of new theories that reinforce the old theory would strengthen the image of normal science. However, anomalies in the scientific research that can not be completed by the paradigm FITNESS FOR referencing research, led to the development of new paradigms that can solve problems and guide the subsequent research (giving birth to the revolution of science). Growth theory and paradigm shifts are po-la normal development of a mature science. Development of analytical tools also encourage the development of science. Examples of epistemology of science where there is a change in the theory and paradigm shifts seen in the development of atomic theory, theory of inheritance and the discovery of the universe. In the development of science, a mistake may occur especially during the formation of a new paradigm. However, to avoid making mistakes which is then covered and acknowledged as truth. · The development of atomic theory atomic concept articulated by Leucippus and Democritus (6th century BC): the material (all things in nature) are physically prepared by a number of very small objects (atoms). Atoms are extremely small particles, solid and can not be divided, moving in space and is eternal. According to John Dalton (1766-1844) of each chemical element is formed by particles that can not be parsed (atom). The paradigm shift occurs when it can be proved that the atom was split and have electron (JJ Thomson 0.1856 to 1940) and proton (E. Goldstein, 1886). Knowledge that the atom could be split to make them scientists and their atomic structure. Thomson, the analogies of atoms as white bread with raisins, in which electrons and positive particles distributed uniformly. From the study of E. Rutherford (1871-1937) concluded that the electrons orbit the nucleus. This postulate repaired by J. Chadwick (1891-1974): the atom has a nucleus consisting of nuclei and electrons orbiting around it, and then refined by Niels Bohr who consider the effect of quantization of atomic energy. The theories of the atom and its structure are still refined. When this started happening anomaly that sued the existing paradigm. Murray Gell-Mann (1964) says, protons and neutrons can still be divided into quarks. · The development of thinking about the nature of inheritance theory of inheritance has been around since ancient times. Plato describes the esensialismenya understand, everyone is a shadow of the ideal type. In essence, human beings are equal and diversity in the world means nothing. The development of this theory begins with Darwin’s dilemma: what is the cause of the variations and what maintains variation? According to F. Galton, every child’s tendency towards the average of the properties of its parent. Hereditary traits and mixed continuum-NYU, children are the average of both parents, then there is no variation. Meanwhile, according to Darwin, keragamanlah that matters, not the average but Darwin could not explain why such diversity can occur. Provisional hypothesis explains that the coffee cells of any tissue that is inserted into the blood (gemmules) was the one that produces the diversity when gemmule is formed and converted back into the cell body at the time of reproduction.

But the history of science proves that the development of the next cell hypothesis is wrong. Mendell who perform and produce nuts crossing different varieties, smooth and wrinkled but no one in the middle, concluded that inherited traits are discrete, there is a dominant and one recessive, but do not mix. The theory was then used as the basis for the development of the theory of heredity. · The development of the solar theory prediction of the sun, stars, moon and eclipse Baylonia already done the nation, 4000 years ago. Greek cosmology (4SM) said the center of the earth and all celestial bodies around the earth. This concept is broken Copernicus (1473-1543) which states that the sun is the center of the solar system and earth moving in circular orbits mengelinginya. Copernicus’s theory became the foundation of the early development of knowledge about the solar system. A scientist is in a position where he has knowledge based on facts (factual knowledge). But that fact does not mean though it can be instrumental if not applicable. Application of a study of science was going to have useful values (axiological), which gives meaning to the truth or reality that is found in all aspects of life study of philosophy with respect to the fundamental truth-seeking. A scientist, let examine the fundamental truth of an alternative solution which handed. A scientist also has a social responsibility to give proper perspective to the problems facing the scientific and alternative solutions to ordinary society. With the mastery of science, a scientist should also be influencing public opinion to the problems they are supposed to realize. For example, study the science of biotechnology, the green revolution (seeds, pesticides, chemical fertilizers) and transgenic plants have increased factual knowledge that Dimi had. But, when it will be applied to society as an alternative to solve the problem, such as applications of transgenic plants to address food production continues to decline, then we need to question the fundamental truth behind them. What causes the real problem? What are the alternative solutions to the problem? Does the proposed alternative is the best alternative to solve the problem? How to study the benefits and risks of this alternative chosen? What about its impact on the humanitarian, environmental, economic and social system? These things must be studied and answered by scientists before these alternatives actually chosen to address a problem. So there is no case where an application of factual knowledge was ultimately negative impact on human, environmental, social or other aspects of community life.

Perkembangan Tegnologi Informasi

Dunia kini tidak lagi buta akan informasi Teknologi Informasi (TI) merupakan suatu bidang industri yang berkembang dengan begitu pesatnya pada tahun-tahun terakhir ini, dan akan terus berlangsung untuk tahun-tahun mendatang., dijaman yang serba canggih dan modern ini maka dengan mudahnya orang dapat mengakses informasi dengan cepat dan mudah. Keingintahuan seseorang tentang dunia luar kini telah di imbangi dengan tegnologi yang serba modern. Sebut saja dengan INTERNET yang kini tengah populer dikalangan masyarakat. Kepopuleran internet kini telah meluas mulai dari anak-anak, remaja, dewasa bahkan orangtua tidak asing lagi mendengar kata-kata INTERNET. 

Media elektronik lain seperti halnya HP dan TV juga tidak kalah populernya dengan INTERNET. Segala jenis dan model HP pun kini hadir dengan sangat beragam, yang setiap jenisnya memiliki keunikan pada fungsinya sendiri-sendiri. Kini HP tidak hanya berfungsi sebaga alat komunikasi saja, karena telah dirancang sedemikian rupa hingga memiliki fungsi yang beragam pula. Sama halnya dengan internet kini banyak berbagai HP yang memiliki fungsi seperti internet.

Selanjutnya adalah TV yang merupakan gudang informasi bergambar untuk kita. Sepertinya TV kini telah menjadi media elektrenik yang wajib atau harus ada pada setiap rumah. Wajar saja karena kita akan disuguhkan dengan informasi-informasi yang beragam teraktual dan terkini. Meskipun TV hadir hanya sebagai media informasi saja, namun informasi yang diberikanpun tidak kalah menarik. Mulai dari tayangan atau informasi yang menghibur, mendidik bahkan juga kurang mendidik.

Universitras Muhammadiyah Malang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang berdiri pada tahun 1964, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang merupakan cabang dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta. Dimana Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) menempati 3 lokasi kampus, yaitu :
Kampus I terletak di Jl. Bandung 1. Kampus I yang merupakan cikal bakal UMM, dan sekarang ini dikonsentrasikan untuk program pasca sarjana.
Kampus II terletak di Jl. Bendungan Sutami No. 188 A. Sedangkan kampus II yang dulu merupakan pusat kegiatan utama , sekarang di konsentrasikan sebagai kampus fakultas kedokteran dan ilmu kesehatan lainnya.
Sedangkan kampus III sebagai kampus terpadu dijadikan sebagai pusat sari seluruh , kampus III ini terletak di Jl. Tlogomas No. 246.
Di Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang memiliki beberapa agenda kegiatan yang dikhususkan untuk para Pesmaba dan itu wajib diikuti oleh Pesmaba. Seperti halnya ospek yang dimana setiap Universitas juga melalukan seperti hal tersebut. Tapi di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang memiliki beberapa kegiatan lain yang belum tentu dilakukuan oleh Universitas lainnya, seperti kegiatan P2KK yang bertujuan untuk melatih kita dalam membentuk kepribadian dan kepemimpinan. Selain kegiatan itu juga ada yang namanya Pelatihan Aplikasi Tegnologi Informasi, Bimbingan Tegnologi Perpustakaan serta Test Toefl.

Di Universitas ini juga memiliki beberapa fasilitas yaitu Hotspot, Perpustakaan (Perpustakaan Pusat terletak dikampus III, Perpustakaan Kampus II, Perpustakaan Pasca Sarjana dikampus I, Perpustakaan AR Fachruddin terletak di Masjid AR Fachruddin), Masjid, Poliklinik dan Sarana Kesehatan, Fasilitas Seni dan Olahraga, UMM Dome, Koperasi, Rusunawa, dan American Corner.

Fakultas-Fakultas Pada awal berdiri 
UMM baru membuka beberapa fakultas, yaitu fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi dan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) serta jurusan Ilmu Agama (Cabang dari FAI Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta). Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan tuntutan zaman, maka UMM telah membuka fakultas-fakultas lain, yaitu Fakultas Teknik, Fakultas Pertanian, Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan, Fak. Psikologi, Fak. Kedokteram, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan terdiri dari D3 dan S1 Keperawatan, Farmasi serta Program Pasca Sarjana yang masing-masing mengembang beberapa jurusan.

Visi dan Misi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Visi
Menjadikan Universitas termuka dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, tegnologi, dan seni (IPTEKS) berdasarkan nilai-nilai isalam.
  • Misi
  • Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang bermutu.
  • Menyelenggarakan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan manusia.
  • Menyelenggarakan pengelolaan universitas yang amanah
  • Menyelenggarakan pembinaan civitas akademika ndalam kehidupan yang islami sehingga mampu beruswah khasanah.
  • Menyelenggarakan kerjasama dengan pihak lain yang saling menguntungkan.